Q u i c k   C o l o u r   P i c k e r   v 2 . 0 Chapter 4-C

4-C. About the Slide Bars / Mixer Controls...

a) RGB Mixer Controls

The Red, Green, and Blue Mixer controls are a very simple way to choose and adjust a chosen colour. Red, Green, and Blue are the values that the computer uses to display colour on your monitor. By sliding the mixer controls to the right you are increasing the mixture value of that colour in relation to the other colours. When you move the mixer slide bars, the selected colour values will change instantly. (There is information about the Intensity control, that is not mentioned here, later in this manual.)

b) CMY Mixer Controls

The Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow mixer controls are actually the inverse of the Red, Green, and Blue controls. When using these controls you will see immediate changes to the selected colour values. These controls were added for those who are used to these adjustments from working in the Photography field or programmers that need to see converted values for printing colour on CMY based printers that don't use an automatic conversion from RGB.

c) HS... Mixer Controls

HSB, HSV, HSI are similar methods of producing colour. HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness), HSV (Hue, Saturation, Vibrance), HSI (Hue, Saturation, and Intensity), are related but their values differ when creating the same colour. HSB and HSV are the closest to each other but HSI differs greatly in its Intensity value. The Hue Saturation methods are very easy to use but are programatically very complicated adjustments based on different colour theories. These adjustments allow you to take an existing colour and adjust it by its Hue (tonal value), Saturation (its purity in relation to gray) and Intensity (its brightness in relation to black and its brightest single hue value - or in the case of HSI, pure white). Each of these theories used in this program have not been adjusted in their display of colour in relation to the human eye's sensitivity. When using these adjustments you will be seeing the raw results of their calculations. You may notice different results when using different photo editing programs. So far I have found that every program uses a different method to get its colour results. (Some atempting to adjust for the human eye and some do not) When porting colours between programs it is best to use the RGB values or the export features of the pro version of this program.

d) Intensity Adjustments:

There are intensity adjustments on all of the Mixer controls but the RGB and CMY use a different control to the HS. RGB and CMY use a control which adjusts brightness without changing any set colour mixer values. This was to allow the freedom of increasing the brightness of a colour and selecting, copying, or storing it without losing the original colour. The HS adjustment is an attempt to use a scientific method to chose a colour. Make sure you keep an eye on where your Intensity values of the RGB and CMY mixers when using the HS adjustments. If they are set, their numeric value will display with a yellow background. Clicking on the lightbulb icon will reset the value to 0.

e) Mixer Features:

The RGB, CMY and HS mixers have speedy adjustments. That means that you can click on the panel with the adjustment's letter and it will snap to preset values. The RGB and CMY mixers will snap to multiples of 33h (51 decimal). These presets represent the web safe values of those colours. $$If you right click on the slide adjustment you will be able to turn on the "Web Safe Indicator Grid". The grid shows the position of the web safe colours along the slide bar adjustment. The HS hue panel, when left clicked, will increase values in increments of 30° and when right clicked will decrement by 30°. Note also that only the RGB slide bars will accept text input to select their colour intensity. The values are from 0 to 255 decimal or 00 to FF hexadecimal.

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